
This repository handles all Typescript SDK packages for interacting directly with the SundaeSwap Protocol.


Building transactions in Cardano, especially when working with smart contracts, is a high-risk operation. Specifically when dealing with smart contracts, it is possible for funds to be “bricked” if corresponding datums (transaction state), are malformed and do not conform to the smart contract spec. This means that ADA and other tokens can be lost forever with no possible way to retrieve it.


To minimize this and encourage cross-ecosystem adoption of SundaeSwap ecosystem protocols, we decided to build an end-to-end tested SDK in TypeScript that ensures datum compliance with corresponding smart contract versions.


All SDKs are built to be extendable, but currently we only support transaction building using Lucid. This means that they require bundling using a tool like Webpack with WASM support. As a sample, you’ll want to configure you Webpack like this:

Loading WASM Asynchronously

const config = {
    experiments: {
      topLevelAwait: true,
      asyncWebAssembly: true,

Loading WASM Synchronously

const config = {
    experiments: {
      layers: true,
      syncWebAssembly: true,

Browserfy Buffer

All Lucid exports in the SDKs require Buffer to work in the browser. To enable this in Webpack, do the following:

const config = {
  plugins: {
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      Buffer: ["buffer", "Buffer"],

Up Next: Getting Started